Wetlands Delineation/Consulting

The existence of wetlands or waters on a property can potentially reduce the acreage available for future development. Therefore, wetlands identification is most often conducted as part of a pre-design site assessment, or as a preliminary action to development. Wetland boundaries are delineated by making observations of and/or sampling the physical and biological characteristics on a property. In many cases, site development can be designed around existing waters and wetland areas. In other cases, development including some wetland impacts, can proceed after a wetlands permit has been obtained from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The Bluewater Engineering staff consists of professional biologists, ecologists, and engineers with experience in performing wetland delineations, mitigation planning, and negotiating permit conditions. Bluewater wetland scientists have completed specialized training programs for wetland determinations and delineation. Bluewater Engineering performs all wetland delineations in accordance with the US Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and with state and regional delineation methods where applicable.
Our wetland consulting services extend throughout the southeast and include but are not limited to the following:
Wetland delineation/evaluations
Wetland restoration, planning and design
Wetland function and values assessments
Wetland permitting
Wetland Determination
Expert testimony
Habitat delineation/evaluation
Vernal pool surveys
Construction monitoring