Stormwater Inspections & Monitoring

Stormwater runoff is generated from rain and snowmelt that flows over land, or surfaces such as paved roads, and does not soak into the ground. The runoff potentially encounters trash, chemicals, oils, and dirt that can be transported to surface waters. Municipalities, construction companies, industries and others use stormwater controls to filter out pollutants and/or prevent pollution by controlling it at its source.
Bluewater Engineering's approach to stormwater monitoring includes services such as sampling support, courier services, laboratory analyses and customized data delivery options to meet your individualized and regulatory needs. Bluewater has ample laboratory capacity to handle the large numbers of samples generated during rain events. Personnel are on standby to provide sampling containers, log-in samples and analyze and report short holding time tests.
Stormwater services include:
Site inspections for NPDES permit compliance
Turbidity monitoring
Turbidity testing
Compliance reporting