We will need an appropriate amount of people to hold this course. If we have too small of a group, we will cancel the seminar and notify everyone who is signed up.

GSWCC Requirements for Level IB Certification "Certified Inspector"
· Must have completed 60 days work experience in the field of erosion and sediment control.
· In lieu of 60 days work experience, you may obtain a Level 1A Certification.
The Level IB Advanced Fundamentals Seminar is a two-day course designed to train regulatory enforcement inspectors and non-regulatory personnel inspectors contracted to do regulatory work to accurately inspect land disturbance areas for compliance with state erosion and sedimentation laws. The course will cover several topics such as the role of the inspector, ES&PC planning and review, and local program overview criteria.
Two-day class with exam.
Please Note: Each Attendee must have……
A copy of valid picture ID for each participant and should be submitted with the packet (examples; driver’s license, passport, etc.)
A completed Checklist for Lawful Presence.
A completed Citizenship Affidavits that has been notarized (If you require our notary services please arrive 15-20 minutes before the start of the class)
Payment for the course is due on or before the test date unless prior arrangements have been made with Bluewater Engineering. Checks can be mailed or submitted on the day of the class. Credit card information can be called in.
You may return the forms via email, fax, or in person at the Bluewater office.